Amherst County Public Schools provides a continuum of services for students with disabilities, age 2 to 21 inclusive, who are found eligible to receive special education services. The eligibility determination for special education services is a carefully managed process guided by the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia (January 25, 2010). Evaluations required to make this determination are completed by a team of professionals who, with parental consent, consider a variety of evaluation data and information, including input from parents participating on the committee. Once found eligible, an individualized education program (IEP) is developed cooperatively by the student's parents, educators, principal/designee, student (when appropriate) and other invited participants.
Special education services are provided in the least restrictive environment in the neighborhood school to the maximum extent appropriate for children with disabilities so they may be educated with children who are not disabled. Special education services are provided within specific division wide programs for students with low incidence disabilities when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in general education classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be reasonably achieved.