The Amherst County Public Schools’ 2023-24 School Operational Budget is $63,971,701.
The School Operational Budget includes $2,827,574 for the Child Nutrition Program, $3,006,631 for the Federal Programs: which includes Adult Basic Programs, and $4,226,073 for Cares Funding.
The balance of $53,911,423 is used for the regular school operational budget.
For the 2023-2024 school year, projected enrollment for grades K-12 is 3751.
The number of full-time and part-time employees for the 2023-2024 school year is approximately 725.
This number does not include employees hired as substitutes.
The Amherst County Public Schools, in conjunction with the County of Amherst, is the largest employer in Amherst County. We work together for the citizens of Amherst County to ensure that the funds are expended with the students as the number one priority. Our students are the future; therefore, we are obligated to ensure the students are provided the educational opportunities and resources for future success in their chosen field.
Students, educators and citizens of Amherst County should be proud of contributing to the success of ACPS.