Amherst County
Public Schools (ACPS) wants to gather feedback from students, parents, and
staff across various strategic planning and climate constructs. To that end,
ACPS has partnered with Hanover Research, an independent third-party market
research firm located in Washington, DC, to design and administer a survey
analyzing perceptions around the division’s priorities and current performance.
Your responses will help ACPS explore key division priorities such as teaching
and learning, division culture, resources, and community engagement to help
inform the upcoming strategic plan. Your feedback is essential to the division,
and we appreciate your thoughtful responses.
This study is for
research purposes only: all information you provide will be maintained on a
confidential basis by Hanover Research and will only be reported to ACPS in an
anonymized form (i.e., your name and identifying information such as race and
gender will not be shared with the division or tied to your responses), so
please be candid in your responses.
The survey will
take approximately five to ten minutes to complete, and you can take it by
clicking here.
This survey will be open from May 8th through May 23rd.
We appreciate your